What is the process of carving jade?

What is the process of carving jade?

Carving jade is a complex and delicate process that requires a high level of skill and precision. The process involves removing material from the jade stone to create the desired shape and design.


  • Jade stone
  • Chisel
  • Knife
  • Files
  • Water
  • Brushes


1. Preparation:

  • Select high-quality jade that is free from cracks, chips, and inclusions.
  • Clean the jade thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities.
  • Prepare the chisel, knife, and files according to the desired shape and design.

2. Shaping:

  • Use the chisel to remove material from the jade stone in the shape of the desired object.
  • Be careful not to remove too much material, as this can weaken the stone.
  • Shape the jade into a sphere, cylinder, or other desired shape.

3. Finishing:

  • Once the shape is completed, use files to smooth out any rough edges and create a smooth surface.
  • Polish the jade with a soft cloth to give it a shiny finish.

4. Inlaying:

  • Some jade carvings may involve inlaying other materials, such as gold, silver, or gemstones.
  • Use a needle or other tool to carefully insert the materials into the jade.

5. Setting:

  • Once the inlaying is complete, the jade can be set in a frame or other mounting.
  • Use a setting material, such as epoxy or glue, to secure the stone in place.


  • Use a sharp and durable chisel made of high-quality steel.
  • Use a steady hand and take your time.
  • Be patient and persistent, as carving jade can be a time-consuming process.
  • Use a sharp knife for precise cuts.
  • Always wear gloves to protect your hands from the sharp edges of the tools.


Carving jade is a specialized craft that requires training and experience. If you are not a skilled jade carver, it is recommended to seek the help of a professional jade carver.
